REAL Teaching Studio visits help individual session participants with in-class coaching from master practitioners. One-on-one Teaching Studio visits focuses on one target strategy the participant has preselected based in Vocabulary, Reading, or Writing per visit. A complete array of Teaching Studio visits consists of three visits per teacher; one visit per element (Vocabulary, Reading, & Writing) thus enabling teachers with time and practice to focus on the implementation of each.
Visits include debriefings with teachers to share notes and work on next steps. Observational notes are collected on our Teaching Studio Note card tailored for vocabulary, reading or writing. Each master practitioner can visit 5 to 6 REAL Literacy Seminar implementers per day per site. Schedules may vary.
- Leadership is strongly encouraged to shadow our master practitioners while they observe and coach during the Teaching Studio process.
- Shadowing emphasizes skills obtained in the Leadership Clinics.
- Site visits include Leadership debriefings, whole-group Q&A or a mini-review.
Video or Distance Teaching Studio visits
Our Teaching Studio visits can also be distance-based or video review. The Virtual Teaching Studio (VTS) process is like the in-person Teaching Studio. Our master practitioners observe a lesson remotely, on-line as part of a distance learning classroom, or via a video clip. Teachers will have a debriefing and next-steps session. Leadership team members are also encouraged to view the lesson. These are especially effective for peer-coaching, reviews in PLC or planning sessions, and as a continuation of professional learning and implementation of the REAL Literacy strategies.
Each VTS session will last about one hour.
I’m glad I volunteered for the Teaching Studio visits even though I teach math. The coach helped me see what I was doing well & that let me figure out where I could do better. Then he told me what the students were doing & I was hooked forever.
Mr. M, Algebra, Virginia